Commercial Concrete Construction

Foundation Technology is ready and available to tackle any new construction project, large or small. Our commercial concrete construction services can help you install and protect your new foundations from experiencing issues like water damage and decay. By having us take care of your new construction, we’ll create a long-lasting and sturdy foundation that will stand the test of time.

Call us for jobs that include:

  • Foundation Installation—Pouring concrete and creating the necessary foundational supports is our bread and butter. Whether the work needed is for residential, commercial, or municipal properties, we can provide a full array of concrete installation. Driveways, sidewalks, retaining walls, and so much more!
  • After we’ve installed the necessary supports and completed the concrete pouring, you can depend on us to ensure your new foundations are protected and as strong as can be. We will provide a protective coating to your foundation that makes it more resistant to water and chemicals that would otherwise erode it or make it prone to decay.
  • Waterproofing—We use three kinds of waterproof coatings for our commercial concrete construction. For all underground structures, pipelines, and tunnels, we use immediate water-stops to prevent moisture from getting into the joints of your foundation.
  • A polyurethane injection then fills any tight or oddly shaped spaces, as it will expand after injection and completely fill up the space. Like the water-stop, the polyurethane will block moisture from getting in and corroding the foundation.
  • For the construction of parking lots, elevator pits, utility rooms, or underground vaults, we use a crystalline form of waterproofing to create a watertight seal.

Being experts in the process of rehabilitating concrete and restoring foundations, we know what to look for and how to minimize the risks of damage and decay in new constructions. Call us today for more information about our commercial concrete construction services!